/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* library.c aug 94 MIXED MODEL * * jan 95 * * afhandeling ID's en libraries * allocceren en vrijgeven alle library data * * Version: $Id: library.c,v 1.10 2000/09/17 19:07:20 ton Exp $ */ #include "blender.h" #include "screen.h" #include "render.h" #include "sound.h" #include "group.h" #include "ika.h" #define MAX_IDPUP 24 /* ************* ALGEMEEN ************************ */ void id_lib_extern(ID *id) { if(id) { if(id->flag & LIB_INDIRECT) { id->flag -= LIB_INDIRECT; id->flag |= LIB_EXTERN; } } } void id_us_plus(ID *id) { if(id) { id->us++; if(id->flag & LIB_INDIRECT) { id->flag -= LIB_INDIRECT; id->flag |= LIB_EXTERN; } } } ListBase *wich_libbase(Main *main, short type) { switch( type ) { case ID_SCE: return &(main->scene); case ID_LI: return &(main->library); case ID_OB: return &(main->object); case ID_ME: return &(main->mesh); case ID_CU: return &(main->curve); case ID_MB: return &(main->mball); case ID_MA: return &(main->mat); case ID_TE: return &(main->tex); case ID_IM: return &(main->image); case ID_IK: return &(main->ika); case ID_WV: return &(main->wave); case ID_LT: return &(main->latt); case ID_LA: return &(main->lamp); case ID_CA: return &(main->camera); case ID_IP: return &(main->ipo); case ID_KE: return &(main->key); case ID_WO: return &(main->world); case ID_SCR: return &(main->screen); case ID_VF: return &(main->vfont); case ID_TXT: return &(main->text); case ID_SO: return &(main->sound); case ID_GR: return &(main->group); } return 0; } int set_listbasepointers(Main *main, ListBase **lb) { /* BACKWARDS! let op volgorde van vrijgeven! (mesh<->mat) */ lb[0]= &(main->ipo); lb[1]= &(main->key); lb[2]= &(main->image); lb[3]= &(main->tex); lb[4]= &(main->mat); lb[5]= &(main->vfont); lb[6]= &(main->mesh); lb[7]= &(main->curve); lb[8]= &(main->mball); lb[9]= &(main->ika); lb[10]= &(main->wave); lb[11]= &(main->latt); lb[12]= &(main->lamp); lb[13]= &(main->camera); lb[14]= &(main->world); lb[15]= &(main->screen); lb[16]= &(main->object); lb[17]= &(main->scene); lb[18]= &(main->library); lb[19]= &(main->text); lb[20]= &(main->sound); lb[21]= &(main->group); return 22; } /* *********** ALLOC EN FREE ***************** free_libblock(ListBase *lb, ID *id ) lijstbasis en datablok geven, alleen ID wordt uitgelezen void free_liblist(ListBase *lb) void *alloc_libblock(ListBase *lb, type, name) hangt in lijst en geeft nieuw ID ***************************** */ int new_id(ListBase *lb, ID *id, char *name); ID *alloc_libblock_notest(short type) { ID *id= 0; switch( type ) { case ID_SCE: id= callocN(sizeof(Scene), "scene"); break; case ID_LI: id= callocN(sizeof(Library), "library"); break; case ID_OB: id= callocN(sizeof(Object), "object"); break; case ID_ME: id= callocN(sizeof(Mesh), "mesh"); break; case ID_CU: id= callocN(sizeof(Curve), "curve"); break; case ID_MB: id= callocN(sizeof(MetaBall), "mball"); break; case ID_MA: id= callocN(sizeof(Material), "mat"); break; case ID_TE: id= callocN(sizeof(Tex), "tex"); break; case ID_IM: id= callocN(sizeof(Image), "image"); break; case ID_IK: id= callocN(sizeof(Ika), "ika"); break; case ID_WV: id= callocN(sizeof(Wave), "wave"); break; case ID_LT: id= callocN(sizeof(Lattice), "latt"); break; case ID_LA: id= callocN(sizeof(Lamp), "lamp"); break; case ID_CA: id= callocN(sizeof(Camera), "camera"); break; case ID_IP: id= callocN(sizeof(Ipo), "ipo"); break; case ID_KE: id= callocN(sizeof(Key), "key"); break; case ID_WO: id= callocN(sizeof(World), "world"); break; case ID_SCR: id= callocN(sizeof(bScreen), "screen"); break; case ID_VF: id= callocN(sizeof(VFont), "vfont"); break; case ID_TXT: id= callocN(sizeof(Text), "text"); break; case ID_SO: id= callocN(sizeof(bSound), "sound"); break; case ID_GR: id= callocN(sizeof(Group), "sound"); break; } return id; } void *alloc_libblock(ListBase *lb, short type, char *name) { ID *id= 0, *idtest; id= alloc_libblock_notest(type); if(id) { addtail(lb, id); id->us= 1; *( (short *)id->name )= type; new_id(lb, id, name); /* alfabetisch opnieuw invoegen: zit in new_id */ } return id; } void *copy_libblock(void *rt) { MemHead *memh; ID *idn, *id; ListBase *lb; char *cp, *cpn; id= rt; lb= wich_libbase(G.main, GS(id->name)); idn= alloc_libblock(lb, GS(id->name), id->name+2); memh= (MemHead *)idn; memh--; if(memh->len - sizeof(ID) > 0) { cp= (char *)id; cpn= (char *)idn; memcpy(cpn+sizeof(ID), cp+sizeof(ID), memh->len - sizeof(ID)); } id->newid= idn; idn->flag |= LIB_NEW; return idn; } void free_library(Library *lib) { } void free_libblock(ListBase *lb, void *idv) { ID *id= idv; switch( GS(id->name) ) { /* GetShort uit util.h */ case ID_SCE: free_scene((Scene *)id); break; case ID_LI: free_library((Library *)id); break; case ID_OB: free_object((Object *)id); break; case ID_ME: free_mesh((Mesh *)id); break; case ID_CU: free_curve((Curve *)id); break; case ID_MB: free_mball((MetaBall *)id); break; case ID_MA: free_material((Material *)id); break; case ID_TE: free_texture((Tex *)id); break; case ID_IM: free_image((Image *)id); break; case ID_IK: free_ika((Ika *)id); break; case ID_WV: /* free_wave(id); */ break; case ID_LT: free_lattice((Lattice *)id); break; case ID_LA: free_lamp((Lamp *)id); break; case ID_CA: free_camera(id); break; case ID_IP: free_ipo((Ipo *)id); break; case ID_KE: free_key((Key *)id); break; case ID_WO: free_world((World *)id); break; case ID_SCR: free_screen((bScreen *)id); break; case ID_VF: free_vfont((VFont *)id); break; case ID_TXT: free_text((Text *)id); break; case ID_SO: free_sound((bSound *)id); break; case ID_GR: free_group((Group *)id); break; } remlink(lb, id); freeN(id); allspace(OOPS_TEST, 0); } void free_libblock_us(ListBase *lb, void *idv) /* test users */ { ID *id= idv; id->us--; if(id->us<0) { if(id->lib) printf("ERROR block %s %s users %d\n", id->lib->name, id->name, id->us); else printf("ERROR block %s users %d\n", id->name, id->us); } if(id->us==0) { if( GS(id->name)==ID_OB ) free_object_fromscene((Object *)id); free_libblock(lb, id); } } void free_liblist(ListBase *lb) { ID *id, *nid; id= lb->first; while(id) { nid= id->next; free_libblock(lb, id); id= nid; } } void free_main(ListBase *lb, Main *main) { /* ook aanroepen bij file inlezen, erase all, etc */ extern short winqueue_break; /* screen.c */ ListBase *lbarray[30]; int a; a= set_listbasepointers(main, lbarray); while(a--) { free_liblist(lbarray[a]); } if(lb) { remlink(lb, main); freeN(main); if(G.main==main) G.main= 0; } /* extra: copybuf vrijgeven */ free_matcopybuf(); /* hangende vars voorkomen */ R.backbuf= 0; G.scene= 0; /* force all queues to be left */ winqueue_break= 1; } void free_mainlist() { struct Main *main, *nmain; main= G.mainbase.first; while(main) { nmain= main->next; free_main(&G.mainbase, main); main= nmain; } } void add_main_to_main(Main *main, Main *from) { ListBase *lbarray[30], *fromarray[30]; int a; a= set_listbasepointers(main, lbarray); a= set_listbasepointers(from, fromarray); while(a--) { addlisttolist(lbarray[a], fromarray[a]); } } void join_main() { Main *main, *nmain; main= G.main->next; while(main) { nmain= main->next; add_main_to_main(G.main, main); remlink(&G.mainbase, main); freeN(main); main= nmain; } } void split_libdata(ListBase *lb, Main *first) { ListBase *lbn; ID *id, *idnext; Main *main; id= lb->first; while(id) { idnext= id->next; if(id->lib) { main= first; while(main) { if(main->curlib==id->lib) { lbn= wich_libbase(main, GS(id->name)); remlink(lb, id); addtail(lbn, id); break; } main= main->next; } if(main==0) printf("error split_libdata\n"); } id= idnext; } } void split_main() { ListBase *lbarray[30]; Main *main, *next; Library *lib; int a; if(G.mainbase.first!=G.mainbase.last) { printf("error split main\n"); return; } lib= G.main->library.first; if(lib) { while(lib) { main= callocN(sizeof(Main), "newmain"); addtail(&G.mainbase, main); main->curlib= lib; lib= lib->id.next; } next= G.main->next; a= set_listbasepointers(G.main, lbarray); while(a--) { split_libdata(lbarray[a], next); } } } Main *find_main(char *dir) { Main *main; Library *lib; main= G.mainbase.first; while(main) { if(main->curlib) { if(strcmp(dir, main->curlib->name)==0) return main; } else if(strcmp(dir, main->name)==0) return main; main= main->next; } main= callocN(sizeof(Main), "findmain"); addtail(&G.mainbase, main); lib= alloc_libblock(&(main->library), ID_LI, "lib"); strcpy(lib->name, dir); main->curlib= lib; return main; } int count_mainblocks_flag(Main *main, int flag) { ListBase *lbarray[30]; ID *id; int a, tot= 0; a= set_listbasepointers(main, lbarray); while(a--) { id= lbarray[a]->first; while(id) { if(id->flag & flag) tot++; id= id->next; } } return tot; } /* ***************** ID ************************ */ ID *find_id(char *type, char *name) /* type: "OB" of "MA" etc */ { ID *id; ListBase *lb; lb= wich_libbase(G.main, GS(type)); id= lb->first; while(id) { if( strcmp(id->name+2, name)==0 ) return id; id= id->next; } return 0; } void IDnames_to_pupstring_nr(char **str, ListBase *lb, ID *link, short *nr, short maxpup) { /* string naderhand vrijgeven */ ID *id; int fake, len=50, count; char extra[8]; *nr= -1; /* sym[0]= 171; sym[1]= 0; */ extra[3]= 0; /* lengte berekenen, doe er 30 bij voor evt extra item */ id= lb->first; count= 0; while(id) { len+= 5+strlen(id->name); count++; if(count>maxpup) break; id= id->next; } if(count>maxpup) { *str= mallocN(40, "IDnames_pup"); strcpy(*str, "DataBrowse %x-2"); return; } *str= mallocN(len, "IDnames_pup"); (*str)[0]= 0; id= lb->first; count= 1; while(id) { if(id==link) *nr= count; fake= id->flag & LIB_FAKEUSER; if(id->lib && id->us==0) strcat(*str, "L0 "); else if(id->lib && fake) strcat(*str, "LF "); else if(id->lib) strcat(*str, "L "); else if(fake) strcat(*str, " F "); else if(id->us==0) strcat(*str, " 0 "); else if(id->us<0) strcat(*str, "-1W "); else strcat(*str, " "); strcat(*str, id->name+2); if(id->next) strcat(*str, "|"); count++; if(count>45) break; id= id->next; } /* verwijderen laatste OR teken */ len= strlen(*str); if(len && (*str)[len-1]=='|') (*str)[len-1]= 0; } void IDnames_to_pupstring(char **str, ListBase *lb, ID *link, short *nr) { IDnames_to_pupstring_nr(str, lb, link, nr, MAX_IDPUP); } void IDnames_to_pupstring_title(char *title, char **str, ListBase *lb, ID *link, short *nr) { IDnames_to_pupstring_nr(str, lb, link, nr, MAX_IDPUP); if(*str) { int len= strlen(title)+strlen(*str); char *nstr; nstr= mallocN(len+32, "pup title"); strcpy(nstr, title); strcat(nstr, "%t|"); strcat(nstr, *str); freeN(*str); *str= nstr; } } void IPOnames_to_pupstring(char **str, ListBase *lb, ID *link, short *nr, int blocktype) { /* string naderhand vrijgeven */ ID *id; Ipo *ipo; int fake, len=30, count; char extra[8]; *nr= -1; extra[5]= 0; /* lengte berekenen, doe er 30 bij voor evt extra item */ id= lb->first; count= 0; while(id) { ipo= (Ipo *)id; if(blocktype==ipo->blocktype) { len+= 5+strlen(id->name); count++; if(count>MAX_IDPUP) break; } id= id->next; } if(count>MAX_IDPUP) { *str= mallocN(40, "IPOnames_pup"); strcpy(*str, "DataBrowse %x-2"); return; } *str= mallocN(len, "IPOnames_pup"); (*str)[0]= 0; id= lb->first; count= 1; while(id) { ipo= (Ipo *)id; if(blocktype==ipo->blocktype) { if(id==link) *nr= count; fake= id->flag & LIB_FAKEUSER; if(id->lib && id->us==0) strcat(*str, "L0 "); else if(id->lib && fake) strcat(*str, "L F "); else if(id->lib) strcat(*str, "L "); else if(fake) strcat(*str, " F "); else if(id->us==0) strcat(*str, " 0 "); else if(id->us<0) strcat(*str, "-1W "); else strcat(*str, " "); strcat(*str, id->name+2); if(id->next) strcat(*str, "|"); count++; } id= id->next; } /* verwijderen laatste OR teken */ len= strlen(*str); if(len && (*str)[len-1]=='|') (*str)[len-1]= 0; } int has_id_number(ID *id) { int a, len; char *name; name= id->name+2; len= strlen(name); if(len<2) return 0; if(name[len-1]=='.') return 0; while(--len) { if( name[len]=='.') return 1; if( isdigit( name[len] )==0 ) return 0; } return 0; } void splitIDname(char *name, char *left, int *nr) { int len, a; *nr= 0; strncpy(left, name, 21); a=len= strlen(name); if(a>1 && name[a-1]=='.') return; while(a--) { if( name[a]=='.' ) { left[a]= 0; *nr= atol(name+a+1); return; } if( isdigit(name[a])==0 ) break; left[a]= 0; } strcpy(left, name); } void sort_alpha_id(ListBase *lb, ID *id) { ID *idtest; /* alfabetisch opnieuw invoegen */ if(lb->first!=lb->last) { remlink(lb, id); idtest= lb->first; while(idtest) { if(strcasecmp(idtest->name, id->name)>0 || idtest->lib) { insertlinkbefore(lb, idtest, id); break; } idtest= idtest->next; } /* als laatste */ if(idtest==0) { addtail(lb, id); } } } int new_id(ListBase *lb, ID *id, char *tname) /* alleen locale blokken: externe en indirekte hebben al een unieke ID */ /* return 1: nieuwe naam gemaakt */ { ID *idtest; int nr= 0, nrtest, maxtest=32, a; char aname[32], *name, left[24], leftest[24], in_use[32]; /* - naam splitsen * - zoeken */ if(id->lib) return 0; if(tname==0) name= id->name+2; else { /* tname can be const */ strncpy(aname, tname, 21); name= aname; if( strlen(name) > 21 ) name[21]= 0; } if(lb==0) lb= wich_libbase(G.main, GS(id->name)); /* eerste fase: bestaat de id al? */ idtest= lb->first; while(idtest) { if(id!=idtest && idtest->lib==0) { /* niet alphabetic testen! */ /* optim */ if( idtest->name[2] == name[0] ) { if(strcmp(name, idtest->name+2)==0) break; } } idtest= idtest->next; } /* if there is no double return */ if(idtest==0) { strcpy(id->name+2, name); return 0; } bzero(in_use, maxtest); splitIDname(name, left, &nr); if(nr>999 && strlen(left)>16) left[16]= 0; else if(strlen(left)>17) left[17]= 0; idtest= lb->first; while(idtest) { if(id!=idtest && idtest->lib==0) { splitIDname(idtest->name+2, leftest, &nrtest); if(strcmp(left, leftest)==0) { if(nrtestnext; } for(a=0; a=nr) break; if( in_use[a]==0 ) { nr= a; break; } } if(nr==0) sprintf(id->name+2, "%s", left); else { sprintf(id->name+2, "%s.%0.3d", left, nr); } sort_alpha_id(lb, id); return 1; } void clear_id_newpoins() { ListBase *lbarray[30]; ID *id; int a; a= set_listbasepointers(G.main, lbarray); while(a--) { id= lbarray[a]->first; while(id) { id->newid= 0; id->flag &= ~LIB_NEW; id= id->next; } } } void all_local() { ListBase *lbarray[30], tempbase={0, 0}; ID *id, *idn, *idp; int a; a= set_listbasepointers(G.main, lbarray); while(a--) { id= lbarray[a]->first; while(id) { id->newid= 0; id->flag &= ~(LIB_EXTERN|LIB_INDIRECT|LIB_NEW); idn= id->next; /* id wordt mogelijk opnieuw ingevoegd */ if(id->lib) { id->lib= 0; new_id(lbarray[a], id, 0); /* new_id doet dit alleen bij dubbele namen */ sort_alpha_id(lbarray[a], id); } else { /* patch: testen of de zaak wel alphabetisch is */ /* if(idn) { if(strcasecmp(id->name, idn->name)>0) { remlink(lbarray[a], id); addtail(&tempbase, id); } else if(id->prev) { idp= id->prev; if(strcasecmp(idp->name, id->name)>0) { remlink(lbarray[a], id); addtail(&tempbase, id); } } } */ } id= idn; } /* patch2: zorgen dat de zaak wel alphabetisch is */ while(id=tempbase.first) { remlink(&tempbase, id); addtail(lbarray[a], id); new_id(lbarray[a], id, 0); } } } void test_idbutton(char *name) { /* vanuit buttons: als naam al bestaat: new_id aanroepen */ ListBase *lb; ID *id, *idtest; lb= wich_libbase(G.main, GS(name-2) ); if(lb==0) return; /* zoek welke id */ idtest= lb->first; while(idtest) { if( strcmp(idtest->name+2, name)==0) break; idtest= idtest->next; } if(idtest) if( new_id(lb, idtest, name)==0 ) sort_alpha_id(lb, idtest); } void rename_id(ID *id, char *name) { ListBase *lb; ID *idtest; strncpy(id->name+2, name, 21); lb= wich_libbase(G.main, GS(id->name) ); new_id(lb, id, name); }