/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 1997 by Ton Roosendaal, Frank van Beek and Joeri Kassenaar. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include "imbuf.h" #define OBJECTBLOK "allocimbuf" ulong dfltcmap[16] = { 0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0xff777777, 0xffcccccc, 0xff4433cc, 0xff4488dd, 0xff44ddcc, 0xff338888, 0xff448833, 0xff44dd44, 0xffccdd44, 0xffcc8833, 0xffdd8888, 0xffcc3344, 0xffcc33cc, 0xffdd88cc }; void freeplanesImBuf(struct ImBuf * ibuf) { if (ibuf==0) return; if (ibuf->planes){ if (ibuf->mall & IB_planes) free(ibuf->planes); } ibuf->planes = 0; ibuf->mall &= ~IB_planes; } void freerectImBuf(struct ImBuf * ibuf) { if (ibuf==0) return; if (ibuf->rect){ if (ibuf->mall & IB_rect) free(ibuf->rect); } ibuf->rect=0; ibuf->mall &= ~IB_rect; } void freezbufImBuf(struct ImBuf * ibuf) { if (ibuf==0) return; if (ibuf->zbuf){ if (ibuf->mall & IB_zbuf) free(ibuf->zbuf); } ibuf->zbuf=0; ibuf->mall &= ~IB_zbuf; } void freecharImBuf(struct ImBuf * ibuf) { if (ibuf == 0) return; if (ibuf->chardata){ if (ibuf->mall & IB_char) free(ibuf->chardata); } ibuf->chardata = 0; ibuf->mall &= ~IB_char; } void freecmapImBuf(struct ImBuf * ibuf) { if (ibuf == 0) return; if (ibuf->cmap){ if (ibuf->mall & IB_cmap) free(ibuf->cmap); } ibuf->cmap = 0; ibuf->mall &= ~IB_cmap; } void freeImBuf(struct ImBuf * ibuf) { if (ibuf){ freeplanesImBuf(ibuf); freerectImBuf(ibuf); freezbufImBuf(ibuf); freecharImBuf(ibuf); freecmapImBuf(ibuf); free(ibuf); } } short addcharImBuf(struct ImBuf * ibuf) { long size; if (ibuf == 0) return(FALSE); freecharImBuf(ibuf); size = ibuf->x * ibuf->y * sizeof(uchar); if (ibuf->chardata = mallocN(size, "addcharImBuf")){ ibuf->mall |= IB_char; return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); } short addzbufImBuf(struct ImBuf * ibuf) { long size; if (ibuf==0) return(FALSE); freezbufImBuf(ibuf); size = ibuf->x * ibuf->y * sizeof(ulong); if (ibuf->zbuf = mallocN(size, "addzbufImBuf")){ ibuf->mall |= IB_zbuf; return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); } short addrectImBuf(struct ImBuf * ibuf) { long size; if (ibuf==0) return(FALSE); freerectImBuf(ibuf); size = ibuf->x * ibuf->y * sizeof(ulong); if (ibuf->rect = mallocN(size, "addrectImBuf")){ ibuf->mall |= IB_rect; if (ibuf->depth > 32) return (addzbufImBuf(ibuf)); else return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); } short addcmapImBuf(ibuf) struct ImBuf *ibuf; { long min; if (ibuf==0) return(FALSE); freecmapImBuf(ibuf); checkncols(ibuf); if (ibuf->maxcol == 0) return (TRUE); if (ibuf->cmap = callocN(sizeof(ulong) * ibuf->maxcol, "addcmapImBuf")){ min = ibuf->maxcol * sizeof(ulong); if (min > sizeof(dfltcmap)) min = sizeof(dfltcmap); memcpy(ibuf->cmap, dfltcmap, min); ibuf->mall |= IB_cmap; return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); } short addplanesImBuf(ibuf) struct ImBuf *ibuf; { long size; short skipx,d,x,y; ulong **planes; ulong *point2; if (ibuf==0) return(FALSE); freeplanesImBuf(ibuf); skipx = ((ibuf->x+31) >> 5); ibuf->skipx=skipx; x=ibuf->x; y=ibuf->y; d=ibuf->depth; planes = mallocN((d*skipx*y + d) * sizeof(long), "addplanesImBuf"); ibuf->planes = planes; if (planes==0) return (FALSE); point2 = (ulong *)planes; point2 += d; size = skipx*y; for (;d>0;d--){ *(planes++) = point2; point2 += size; } ibuf->mall |= IB_planes; return (TRUE); } struct ImBuf *allocImBuf(short x,short y,uchar d,ulong flags,uchar bitmap) { struct ImBuf *ibuf; ibuf = callocN(sizeof(struct ImBuf), "ImBuf_struct"); if (bitmap) flags |= IB_planes; if (ibuf){ ibuf->x=x; ibuf->y=y; ibuf->depth=d; ibuf->ftype=TGA; if (flags & IB_rect){ if (addrectImBuf(ibuf)==FALSE){ freeImBuf(ibuf); return (0); } } if (flags & IB_zbuf){ if (addzbufImBuf(ibuf)==FALSE){ freeImBuf(ibuf); return (0); } } if (flags & IB_planes){ if (addplanesImBuf(ibuf)==FALSE){ freeImBuf(ibuf); return (0); } } if (flags & IB_char){ if (flags & IB_charonlong) ibuf->x = (x + 3) & ~3; if (addcharImBuf(ibuf)==FALSE){ freeImBuf(ibuf); return (0); } ibuf->x = x; } } return (ibuf); } struct ImBuf *dupImBuf(ibuf1) struct ImBuf *ibuf1; { struct ImBuf *ibuf2, tbuf; long flags = 0; long x, y; if (ibuf1 == 0) return (0); if (ibuf1->rect) flags |= IB_rect; if (ibuf1->planes) flags |= IB_planes; if (ibuf1->chardata) flags |= IB_char; x = ibuf1->x; y = ibuf1->y; if (ibuf1->flags & IB_fields) y *= 2; ibuf2 = allocImBuf(x, y, ibuf1->depth, flags, 0); if (ibuf2 == 0) return (0); if (flags & IB_rect) memcpy(ibuf2->rect,ibuf1->rect,x * y * sizeof(long)); if (flags & IB_planes) memcpy(*(ibuf2->planes),*(ibuf1->planes),ibuf1->depth * ibuf1->skipx * y * sizeof(long)); if (flags & IB_char) memcpy(ibuf2->chardata, ibuf1->chardata, x * y * sizeof(uchar)); tbuf = *ibuf1; /* pointers goedzetten */ tbuf.rect = ibuf2->rect; tbuf.planes = ibuf2->planes; tbuf.chardata = ibuf2->chardata; tbuf.cmap = ibuf2->cmap; /* malloc flag goed zetten */ tbuf.mall = ibuf2->mall; *ibuf2 = tbuf; if (ibuf1->cmap){ addcmapImBuf(ibuf2); if (ibuf2->cmap) memcpy(ibuf2->cmap,ibuf1->cmap,ibuf2->maxcol * sizeof(long)); } return(ibuf2); }