Begin3 Title: rusfonts-pack03 Version: Type1 Entered-date: 05.10.99 Description: Cyrillic fonts in Adobe Type1 format for use with Ghostscript, Enscript and X11R6. This pack contains Bauhaus, Benguiat, Flora, FrizQuadrata, Garamond, Garamond Condenced, Kabel, Officina Sans and StudioScript fonts. All fonts implemented in KOI8-R and UTF-8 encodings. Keywords: fonts, postscript, koi8-r, cyrillic Author: Alex Lavrinenko Maintained-by: Alex Lavrinenko Primary-site: /pub/Linux/ 1865 kb rusfonts-pack03-Type1-1.noarch.rpm 1819 kb rusfonts-pack03-Type1-1.unknown.tar.gz 1 kb rusfonts-pack03-Type1.lsm Original-site: Platforms: Linux and other Unices Copying-policy: GPL Public License End