## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----echo=FALSE, results='asis'----------------------------------------------- htmltools::includeHTML("../man/figures/object-tree.svg") ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(ProTrackR2) mod <- pt2_read_mod(pt2_demo()) mod ## ----play, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # play(mod) ## ----sample-list-------------------------------------------------------------- mod$samples ## ----sample------------------------------------------------------------------- my_sample <- mod$samples[[1]] ## ----pattern-list------------------------------------------------------------- mod$patterns ## ----tab-pattern, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE-------------------- library(ProTrackR2) mod <- pt2_read_mod(pt2_demo()) mat <- mod$patterns[[1]] |> as.character() |> apply(1, \(x) gsub("-", "−", x)) mat <- mat[,c(1:5, 64)] |> apply(2, \(x) { strsplit(x, " ") |> lapply(\(y) sprintf("
", y[1], y[2], y[3])) |> unlist() }) mat <- rbind(c(0:4, 63), mat) mat[,5] <- "..." mat <- outer(1:5, 1:6, function(X, Y) { sprintf(" %s ", X - 1, mat[cbind(X, Y)]) }) |> apply(2, paste0, collapse = "\n") |> sprintf( fmt = sprintf(" %%s ", 1:6, c("", "", "", "", " style='text-align: center;'", "")) ) |> paste0(collapse = "\n") mat <- do.call(sprintf, c( list(fmt = mat), sprintf(" onmouseleave='highlightrow(%i, false);' onmouseenter='highlightrow(%i, true);'", 1:6, 1:6))) hd <- c(" Row ", sprintf(" Channel %i ", 1:4, 1:4, 1:4)) |> paste0(collapse = "\n") |> sprintf(fmt = "\n\n%s") cp <- "Table 1: An example of a pattern table. Note that rows 4 to 62 are omitted." sprintf("%s\n\n%s\n\n%s\n\n
", cp, hd, mat) |> htmltools::HTML() ## ----pattern------------------------------------------------------------------ my_ptn <- mod$patterns[[1]] ## ----celllist----------------------------------------------------------------- ## This selects all cells in the first two channels ## of a pattern my_cells <- my_ptn[,1:2] ## ----cell--------------------------------------------------------------------- my_cells[[1]]