
 Mar 8 2007  
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QtCurve (KDE & Gtk Theme)   updated 



Version:  0.47
Type:  Theme/Style for KDE 3.2 +
Depends on:  KDE 3.5.x
Downloads:  39226
Submitted:  Jun 7 2006
Updated:  Mar 7 2007
Comments:  520
Score:  scorescorescorescore 80% good
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This is a set of widget styles for KDE and Gtk2 based apps.

As from 0.47 I've removed *lots* of config options, as there was just way too many - and this would make the Qt4/KDE4 port that I plan to do, very difficult. I'll leave the links to 0.46.4 up for anyone who wants the very configurable versions.

As of 0.43 I'm no longer updating the Gtk1 version - its too much work and hassle for an outdated toolkit that I no longer use. The Gtk2 code has been clean up because of this.

The fonts and colours for the GTK themes will be read in from your Qt settings - so any KDE font/colour changes will also affect your GTK apps.

Screenshot 1 shows the default variant of the theme.

Screenshot 2 shows inverted gradients.

Screenshot 3 shows the "shiny glass" gradients.

NOTE: kde-look.org had a server crash, and the original QtCurve entry was deleted.


1. Always draw light border around glass elements.
2. Removed the following config options:
Custom light border colour
Fill used slider groove - always filled.
Stripped progress - always striped
V Arrows
Check/radio background highlight
Round menubar item top only
Draw statusbar frames - never drawn.
Highlight selected text fields - always.
Standard highlight for inactive windows - always
Listview lines are either on/off, not off/dotted/solid
Scrollbars and sliders share same config options
Check radio colour setting - always text colour
Border/round menubar/items - always rounded/bordered.
Roundedness - always rounded.
Listview settings - always arrows, no lines, and header
follows general appearance.
Tab appearance - set from general appearace.
Draw dock window titles - never.
Colored sidebar buttons - always.
3. Changed appearance of check/radios - now filled with base
4. Etch look for button, combos, line edits, and spin boxes.
5. Fill check/radio background on mouse over.
6. Remove --enable-old-shading
7. Modify shade settings so that what was "Shade selected" becomes
"Shade blended selected", and add a new "Shade selected" that just
uses the selected background colour without blending.
8. Round slider thumbs.
9. Option to draw a shadow underneath buttons.
10. Draw a rounded gray rectangle for focus - option to set this to
windows-like focus.
11. Only set min button width for buttons whose text is not "...".
12. Removed save/load functionality from config dialog - only import/export
13. Re-fix kaffeine's sliders.
14. Hacky fix for scrollbars within khtml.
15. Remove main frame that surounds kontact.
16. Fix search field/results in systemsettings.


1. Always draw light border around glass elements.
2. Removed the following config options:
Custom light border colour
Fill used slider groove - always filled.
Stripped progress - always striped
V Arrows
Check/radio background highlight
Round menubar item top only
Draw statusbar frames - never drawn.
Highlight selected text fields - always.
Standard highlight for inactive windows - always
Listview lines are either on/off, not off/dotted/solid
Scrollbars and sliders share same config options
Check radio colour setting - always text colour
Border/round menubar/items - always rounded/bordered.
Roundedness - always rounded.
Listview settings - always arrows, no lines, and header
follows general appearance.
Tab appearance - set from general appearace.
3. Changed appearance of check/radios - now filled with base
4. Etch look for button, combos, line edits, and spin boxes.
5. Fill check/radio background on mouse over.
6. Remove --enable-old-shading
7. Modify shade settings so that what was "Shade selected" becomes
"Shade blended selected", and add a new "Shade selected" that just
uses the selected background colour without blending.
8. Round slider thumbs.
9. Option to draw a shadow underneath buttons.
10. Draw a rounded gray rectangle for focus - option to set this to
windows-like focus.
11. Fix qtcExit()->qtExit() when compiled with event filter.
12. Dont do check/radio mouse over for mozilla apps - doesn't work very well.

Licence: GPL
Source downloadSource download   (KDE 3 - 0.47 **Latest Version**)
Source downloadSource download   (Gtk 2 - 0.47 **Latest Version**)
Source downloadSource download   (KDE 3 - 0.46.4)
Source downloadSource download   (Gtk 2 - 0.46.4)
Source downloadSource download   (Gtk 1 - 0.42.2 (Last Gtk1 version))
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 menus   fresh 
 by meanimal  on: 03/08/2007, 4:50
hi Craig, great work. small thing: with the latest version top-level menus are only rounded at the top in kde apps but totally rounded in gtk2. :)
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 Re: menus   fresh 
 by meanimal  on: 03/08/2007, 5:01
actually, just firefox 2
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 Just upgraded,,,   fresh 
 by SaikoBee  on: 03/08/2007, 7:14
And now I am downgrading...

The removal of functionality pisses me off to be quite honest, I loved the choices I had before. Why did you remove them?
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 Re: Just upgraded,,,   fresh 
 by CraigD  on: 03/08/2007, 9:07
...well if you cared to read the text above you'd know. Plus, I didn't remove the old version - as I knew somepeople would complain about the missing options...
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 Removed features   fresh 
 by barnie  on: 03/08/2007, 10:13
Hi Craig,

I like your effort towards at Qt4 variant, but cannot really understand, why you castrated that style, whos configurability has made it popular, so much.

The features I can not live without in descending priority:
1. Rectangular widgets: My hate against rounded widgets is so deep, that I'm really unable to use a rounded widget set and will downgrade ASAP.
2. Unstriped progress: The striped progress bars (espacially in the new version) are so distracting, that this is another good point not using it.
3. Lines in tree views: I know GTK can not draw them, but I think the usability plus is a stronger argument than total uniform look.

There are more options I'm missing but these above are my most important wishes to port them back to the new version.

- long time user of QtCurve since 0.22 -
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