2000-07-28 -+- parkash -+- pk_khatri@hotmail.com -+- how do I get rid of partition of hard drive?
in my computer, I see two hard drives, C & D, I want to combine them back into one. How?? 2001-10-04 -+- Chris -+- cnorman61@hotmail.com -+- I was wondering how you can put more space on the thard drive. I have 3 partitions on a 2 GB hard disk. One is 1.3 gb because it has linux. One is 100 MB for swap. And the third is the whole redhat 5 cd.

Is there a way to delete the third partition and put the space toward the 1.3 gb partition w/o losing all my data?

Very concerned

New Linux User :| 2002-01-27 -+- Bhagavan -+- bhagavanraju@yahoo.com -+- Hi,

I have 2 linux systems . In those systems i made swap area 350mb. I want to increase the
increase the swap partition to 1Gb without disturbing the linux systems.
How can i do this.

Bhagavan 2002-03-05 -+- irfan -+- irfan_amb@yahoo.co.in -+- sir,
i have 20 gb hdd with four partition.i wanted to make dual boot partition can u give clear idea abt this.(i.e) hda1,hda2.hda3,hda4 with each with 5gb.

thanking u

with regards
2002-07-31 -+- Oleg Sandler -+- sandler1970@hotmail.com -+- Hallo Thomas,
kannst du vielleicht mir helfen. Ich habe einige Probleme mit der Partitionierung 2 Festplatten: /dev/hda - 500 MB und /dev/sda - 1Gb
Mit größeren Festplatten hatte ich keine Probleme. Ich würde auf meinem PC Linux Router mit Firewall installieren, aber wegen Partitionierung kann ich nicht weiter gehen.

Ich bedanke mich im voraus.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Oleg Sandler
-+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98) 2002-09-14 -+- JJ -+- dungy@weed.ms -+- Hello I have a question regarding resizing partition on a linux red hat box. I am running low on one of my partition and would like to reduce the size of my second partition and use it to expand the first one that I use frequently and is almost run out of space. I guess my question is, can I use Partition Magic boot disk to resize it? if not what do you suggest I do?

Thank you , appreciate all your assistance.
JJ -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) 2002-09-19 -+- Koua Vue -+- leeveng@juno.com -+- I have a laptop computer with two partitioned hard disks. One is 4.02 giga byte (d:) and the other is 2.0 giga byte (c:). Now the 2.0 giga byte hard disk is nearly full, but the 4.02 giga byte hard disk is just a half full. Is there any way I can combine them back into one and then partiton it into two again equally without losing files or data on both?

Thank you and look forward to getting assistance from you.
-+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) 2004-05-05 -+- Tony Bradley -+- tonybradley@eurobell.co.uk -+- I've already partitioned my harddisc, and am only using Linux (No Wankows ...eurgh!) My problem is that I made the kernal partition too large, and am now running out of space. I want to resize my existing linux partitions WITHOUT LOSING THE EXISTING FILES.

Yea, I know I could get another harddisc, but am low on funds... :,(

In addition, if I wanted to install a second experimental kernal, how would I go about this?

TIA -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.4.4-4GB i686; en-US; 0.8.1) Gecko/20010515