2000-03-23 -+- William Danielson -+- billd@thebestisp.com -+- Excellent article! Very useful and exciting.
Thanks for writing it... :)
2000-05-17 -+- Brian Harrington -+- brianh@sybernet.ie -+- Hello there,
Nice project. It's almost working for us
with RTAI. The only problem is the data stream we get from
the IR receptor. It's more like a random number
generator than a descernable code. Is there something
we're missing out on?
Best Regards,
2000-05-22 -+- Brian Harrington -+- brianh@sybernet.ie -+- Hello Ismael,
Thanks for that. I think it would be good to post with the Talkback linux.org article. Our problem was in the end a software rather than a hardware one, ironically. We were missing some of the RTAI functions which implement the periodic task scheduling. RTLinux seems to be significantly simpler in this regard than RTAI.
We are using a Sony remote control to communicate to the IR receptor and it now works fine.
Thanks and Best Regards,
-----Original Message-----
From: Ismael Ripoll <iripoll@disca.upv.es>
To: Brian Harrington <brianh@sybernet.ie>
Date: Monday, May 22, 2000 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: Numbers from IR receptor
>Brian Harrington wrote:
>> Hello Ismael,
>> We're trying to replicate your infra red experiment here with RTAI.
>> We are getting numbers but our receptor seems to be performing more like a
>> random number generator than anything else with variable frame lengths and
>> variable numbers within these frames.
>> Would you have any suggestions as to how to achieve consistent input?
>> Thanks and Best Regards,
>> Brian
>There are three sources of problems:
>1: The Sharp IR receiver (IS1U60) operates at 38Khz, and some emmiters
>emmits at 42Khz.. In this case there are litle chances to read anything
>useful. (You can change your remote control emmiter of use a different
>2: The voltage of the IS1U60 must be 5V. 4v5 is not enought.
>3: The Vcc of the IS1U60 must have no AC voltage, other wise it
>generates a lot of noise...
>The best choice is pair of bateries 4v5 + 1v5.
>The software is quiet simple and the problems are hardware. In fact We
>experienced all that problems.
>Good luck.
2001-04-22 -+- anup -+- anup_lonkar@usa.net -+- Hi!
A very nice project.
I would like to know why use Infrared and not any other wireless means like
All the best.
Thank you,
2003-03-03 -+- Dileep -+- kdilip_s@yahoo.co.in -+- hai ,
Its a very nice project ! I need one help in my project , i want to know how to find the battery capacity in labtops (how to read the battery satues and store it in one variable to use futher ) Plese let me know do u have any idea regarding this peoblem ....Do i need to write driver programme if so which driver ....or the linux redhat8.0 will read ....Iam using toshiba satell
ite labtop ....
ok bye
Looking forward for ur reply
with regards
-+- = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.1) Gecko/20020830
2004-03-14 -+- kerem gencer -+- gencerkerem@yahoo.com -+- it is very useful .and ý want to learn more information if there is someone who can help me please write my e-mail because ý need information for my project.ý waiting for your answer
thank you -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
2004-10-31 -+- Ray Brannam -+- raybo@realnet.co.jp -+- The IR is used because the remote control interface to the A/C or Heatpump uses IR already. At least they do here in Japan.
Does anyone have a printable circuit board foil patern?
Ray -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; X11; Linux i686) Opera 7.54 [en]