2000-06-14 -+- Nitin Gupta -+- nitin@linuxfan.com -+- This one can really help counter the newbie fear of "vi" being difficult to handle.
I have been using "vi" for quite some time, and I found almost all the commands that I frequently use, were there, explained in a very clean manner.
The author Ben Y. Yoshino has really worked on putting the complex issues in a very lucid manner.
2000-08-21 -+- S. Effendi -+- fuke@hotmail.com -+- Hi!
I missed something about "default" configuration of VI, and user settings that can be saved in text file.
2000-12-06 -+- Troy Simpson -+- Troy_Simpson@ncsu.edu -+- I need to insert a character that is not located on the key board. This character is the "Section" character ( ISO 8859-1, Dec:167 Hex:A7 ). How do I insert this character into my text file using vi?
2003-08-12 -+- DaDuck -+- daduck@everyday.com -+- How about if u wish to subtitude a string for a foward slash?
Doubel quotes? Single quotes?
D. -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0)
2004-07-04 -+- khurram bhatti -+- -+- yah it's nice article to get started mastering vi editor.
very useful -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007 Firebird/0.7