2000-09-07 -+- Randy Belk -+- rbelk@noc.umsmed.edu -+- The article is great !!
But, there is a problem. I would like to have a printed copy of this page but due to the way this site/page is formatted it is impossible. Would you offer a link to a converted-to-ascii page.
2000-09-08 -+- Atif Ghaffar -+- atif@developer.ch -+- Ah the printing issues.
There are perhaps two issues.
1) The formatting of the site.
You can download the meta version of this document that has less formatting.
2) The textarea widget issue.
Save the file locally and run it through
perl -pi.bak -e 's!textarea.*?>!pre>!g' filename
2000-09-20 -+- Dom Ijichi -+- dom@ijichi.org -+- Great article/system - I've been wanting to implement this exact thing for ages now, just never had the time.
Few questions:
1) Will it scale to millions of accounts/users/domains/whatever
2) It looks like it's completely dynamic and instantly updated for everything except DNS, which will need a config rebuild of some sort. I think Bind9 supports different backend databases - any attempt at doing straight LDAP -> DNS integration yet?
3) Will it support web forwarding/redirecting per domain, and if not would you like it done?
2000-09-20 -+- Dominic Ijichi -+- dom@ijichi.org -+- ps - I fully agree and support your differences with RMS!!!
2000-09-25 -+- Atif Ghaffar -+- atif@develper.ch -+- Thank you for your comments Dom.
Here are some answers to your questions.
1. I dont see why not? I am using this system is some quiet big installations.
2. Yes I want to have LDAP backend for DNS. Anyone has time to do the integeration?
3. Should not be a problem. Apache vhosts conf also needs to be created VIA cron.
Perhaps an integeration to the LDAP data would be a good thing.
2000-11-08 -+- unplug -+- unplug@poboxes.com -+- It is great to read through this article.
Here are some questions to ask about the mail.
Is it possible to config as follow??
1. sendmail+uw-imap+openldap
2. sendmail+cyrus+openldap
Could you give me hints to do the above setting??
2000-11-20 -+- Atif -+- atif@developer.ch -+- Hi unplug.
Why not Postfix+Cyrus+openLDAP ?
2000-11-28 -+- Mike -+- mike@adam.org -+- Hello,
I had successfully setup my linux server to run postfix+cyrus+openldap, using IMP on top of it. Then I got the bright idea that I wanted to migrate to SQL authentication instead of LDAP auth. I installed the cyrus-imapd-sql rpm, and of course, "broke" my cyrus system (I could not successfully log in to cyradm or imap with any username or auth method). Then I attempted to revert the system back - to no avail. My guess is that somehow cyrus isn't communicating with LDAP properly. I have pam_ldap installed, my /etc/imapd.conf, /etc/ldap.conf, /etc/pam.d/imap files are all configured correctly. Any ideas?
2000-11-29 -+- unplug -+- unplug@poboxes.com -+- As I know, postfix, qmail is a MTA developed on the top of sendmail. And
also, we need to pay if we are using them commercially. I just want to
use the basic stuff to achieve my purpose.
Correct me if I am wrong.
2000-12-01 -+- Adfundum -+- adfundum@dds.nl -+- If someone has authenticated againts OPENLDAP (ie via mod_ldap in apache or alike)
How can I return his username in HTML pages?
Ex: Someone logs in with userid Peter, on the next php page I want to display
a message like "Hello $userid, where do you want to go tomorrow?"
2000-12-11 -+- Atif -+- atif@developer.ch -+- To: Adfundum adfundum@dds.nl [ date: 2000-12-01 ]
Hello Adf.
Your question is neither related to LDAP nor to Building Scalable ISPs.
I hope you got an answer else where already.
In Perl I would do something like
print "Hello $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'}";
In PHP, I have no clue.
2001-01-12 -+- yxuchun -+- yxuchun@mail.21dnn.com -+- I had read your great article and I need your help.Now I'm working on one project which is quite similar with your situation.A little difference is that my OS is SUN Solairs7.
Postfix can use ldap server as its alias database(using the maildrop attribute and mailacceptinggeneralid attribute).Then can Cyrus use ldap server and the same attirbute(maildrop attribute and milacceptinggeneralid attribute)after I patch the pam_ldap patch?
Is that right?
After I installed all the components(such as postfix,cyrus imapd and pop3d,
openldap,pam_ldap),they all worked properly.But when I try to add one entry to ldap server,I can't.my ldif file is underneath.Do I need to extend the schema of my ldap server?If so ,how to do that?
Thanks in advance.
Your any comment is welcome.
dn: o=21dnn.com
o: 21dnn.com
objectclass: top
objectclass: organization
dn: ou=editors, o=21dnn.com
ou: editors
objectclass: organizationalUnit
dn: uid=yxuchun, ou=editors, o=21dnn.com
uid: yxuchun
cn: young yxuchun
sn: young
givenname: wolf
objectclass: person
userpassword: {CRYPT}yIvSBWSuLs2N2
mailacceptinggeneralid: yxuchun@21dnn.com
maildrop: yanwei@mail1.21dnn.com
ou: editors
dn: uid=yanwei, ou=editors, o=21dnn.com
uid: yanwei
cn: old yanwei
sn: old
givenname: tiger
objectclass: person
userpassword: clearpass
mailacceptinggeneralid: yanwei@21dnn.com
maildrop: yanwei@mail2.21dnn.com
preferredlanguage: fr
ou: editors
2001-01-12 -+- yxuchun -+- yxuchun@mail.21dnn.com -+- I had read your great article and I need your help.Now I'm working on one project which is quite similar with your situation.A little difference is that my OS is SUN Solairs7.
Postfix can use ldap server as its alias database(using the maildrop attribute and mailacceptinggeneralid attribute).Then can Cyrus use ldap server and the same attirbute(maildrop attribute and milacceptinggeneralid attribute)after I patch the pam_ldap patch?
Is that right?
After I installed all the components(such as postfix,cyrus imapd and pop3d,
openldap,pam_ldap),they all worked properly.But when I try to add one entry to ldap server,I can't.my ldif file is underneath.Do I need to extend the schema of my ldap server?If so ,how to do that?
Thanks in advance.
Your any comment is welcome.
dn: o=21dnn.com
o: 21dnn.com
objectclass: top
objectclass: organization
dn: ou=editors, o=21dnn.com
ou: editors
objectclass: organizationalUnit
dn: uid=yxuchun, ou=editors, o=21dnn.com
uid: yxuchun
cn: young yxuchun
sn: young
givenname: wolf
objectclass: person
userpassword: {CRYPT}yIvSBWSuLs2N2
mailacceptinggeneralid: yxuchun@21dnn.com
maildrop: yanwei@mail1.21dnn.com
ou: editors
dn: uid=yanwei, ou=editors, o=21dnn.com
uid: yanwei
cn: old yanwei
sn: old
givenname: tiger
objectclass: person
userpassword: clearpass
mailacceptinggeneralid: yanwei@21dnn.com
maildrop: yanwei@mail2.21dnn.com
preferredlanguage: fr
ou: editors
2001-01-13 -+- shaobh -+- shaobh@21cn.com -+- i have pay a long time for snapshot20001217 and openldap2.0.7 but i failed,
could you tell me how to compile and install postfix and openldap and cyrus,my OS is linux 2.2.16-22.
2001-02-06 -+- Jamie Becker -+- jamie@jamiebecker.com -+- Hi unplug,
Ok, Postfix is released under the GNU Public License, the same as Linux. I'm not sure about Qmail. Postfix is better/faster/more stable/more secure than Sendmail to my knowledge. Postfix was written by the author of TCP Wrappers, Wietse Venema. (If you're reading this, please forgive me if I mispelled your name).
UW-IMAP is not as powerful as Cyrus but is easier to set up. They are both open source and Free Software.
In short, you should not have licensing troubles with any of the products listed or even most of their competitors. You need to choose which is best for you but if you're planning on running ISPMAN keep in mind that Atif has developed and supports ISPMAN on the solutions he has listed; they work and he has proven them out. I personally agree 100% with all of his choices.
Good luck!
2001-03-21 -+- Richard -+- ispman@rab.3d.net.uk -+- I've managed to build OpenLDAP, Cyrus, postfix, Apache with the various modules .... but I must be missing something.
When you enter stuff into the pretty web front end that puts the stuff into LDAP ...
1) how do the mailboxes get created on the other machine
2) how do the DNS records get updated on the other machine
3) how does the Vhost info get put into the httpd.conf file on the other machines
... is there a similar thread in this question?
2001-06-08 -+- Tony -+- tony.ketola@cultnet.fi -+- Whats wrong when i try to connect to the ispman:
Can't call method "bind" on an undefined value at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/ISPMan/LDAP.pm line 42.
2001-06-19 -+- Atif Ghaffar -+- atif@developer.ch -+- Hi Tony, that question should be asked at ispman-users@sourceforge.net
2001-06-24 -+- guido -+- guido@linuxfocus.org -+- This is a correction for the previous posting:
The address should be ispman-users@lists.sourceforge.net
and not ispman-users@sourceforge.net
2002-02-14 -+- mistern0 -+- mistern0@hack.gr -+- I have setup openldap cyrus and postfix but i cant authenticate to my ldap database.All the mailboxes working preperly even.
In general : How can i make cyrus to use ldap authentication?
2002-07-08 -+- nabila -+- projet5.is@caramail.com -+- apres avoir configurer ispman 0.9 j'ai pue entrer dans l'interface et creer des domaine mais apres quand je voulais essayer d'entrer avec ces noms de domaine as customer j'ai eu le message " invalide credential" meme que ce domaine existe ,et sachant que j'ai des problemes avec le pure_ftpd
es- ce que c'est le pure-ftpd qui me pose ce probleme ou autre chose?
j'espere avoir une reponse a mon probleme -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
2002-09-04 -+- Nagaraj Reddy -+- reddy_nagaraj1@rediffmail.com -+- i have successfully setup cyrus imap 1.5 and postfix in redhat linux 6.2. But now i want to use openldap server for user authentication for email server. can anyone help me?
is there any one who have successfully implemented this.
Nagaraj Reddy -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)