2001-05-09 -+- Tobi@s -+- tobi@my-mail.ch -+- Hallo zusammen
Wisst ihr wie man unter Linux und C/C++ die serielle Schnittstelle anspricht? (RS-232) Habt ihr mir quellcode oder ein paar Links?
Vielen Dank
Gruss Tobi@s
Ps. Ich bin im Moment gerade an einem Roboterprojekt.
2001-05-16 -+- James Conrad -+- jconrad@stiquito.com -+- Cool! This is like a hybrid of Stiquito and Boris. You can do a lot with a PC controller and a good implementation. Great job!
2001-05-16 -+- Ragi Sekaly -+- rsekaly@fox.nstn.ca -+- Excellent idea! As a long time Linux user and recent Stiquito enthusiast, i applaud you. This is an excellent application for Linux, Open Source and Stiquito!
2001-05-18 -+- tjabo kloppenburg -+- tk@taponet.de -+- there's the question of where to by nitinol in germany...
2001-05-25 -+- Helmut Obertanner -+- flash@x4u.de -+- Great, i'm building electronics for ghost-trains in germany.
This arcticle is the reason that my next ghost-controller will not be a microcontroller - it will be a Linuxbox.
regards, Helmut
2001-06-06 -+- Mario Dena M -+- wario01@prodigy,net.mx -+- I think that the article is really intresting, the posibility of make your own robot is exciting, thanks for this article your friend
Mario Dena Jr.
2001-06-06 -+- felix.slager@burningmail.com -+- -+- wow, great, just what i was looking for. I'm going to build one right away. Beautiful simplicity. An open source robot
2001-07-29 -+- Boris Camara -+- vesmar@memi.umss.edu.bo -+- Muy interesante!!
Realmente muy buen articulo, buenos graficos , buena descripcion.
Pero creo que falto algo muy importante, que es describir un poco la parte del codigo en Linux, ya que la revista es de linux, no :)
2001-09-06 -+- The_SeNTiNeL_!^! -+- gnulinux8@hotmail.com -+- Congra for yuors job very intresting i want to try to build
But where i can find the Nitinol?
2001-09-07 -+- James Cook -+- -+- Now I know how to use the parallel port.
2001-11-24 -+- Myron -+- tonderaigland@yahoo.com -+- I really liked your page I am working on a project at home
and I was hoping you could help me.Here is what I want to build:
Aremote controled car which has a web cam so that on the remote
I can see were I am driving.Iwant to put a screen on the remote.
So if you can help me thanx.But if you can't can you give me someones
e-mail address who can.Thanx
2002-01-27 -+- Thijs -+- thijs_pam@hotmail.com -+- Hi there,
I am from Holland and i want to make a robot using NiTinol, can anybody tel me where i can buy this metal,in Europe or the BeNeLux
Waiting for your mail
2002-01-28 -+- Ryan Vesely -+- r_Vesely@hotmail.com -+- 1q) Do I have to have a seperate power supply for each leg controler for each leg, or just one main power supply?
2q) Is there any way to tie all the leg controlers in to one circute bord?
3q) Where can i find the Nitinol?
2002-01-30 -+- Ryan Vesely -+- r_Vesely@hotmail.com -+- One other question, can you send me a copy of blue prints or some sketch of the The driver circuit? I dont get how the other one works thats on your site.
ps. if there is anyone else out there that can help me. Please can you help? Thanks =)
2002-02-14 -+- Simeon Lange -+- Slaeon@gmx.de -+- Hallo!
Na das ist ja mal eine superidee! vielleicht probier ich sie ja auch aus.... ich habe selbst auch einen roboter mit konstruiert, aber leider nicht auf beinen sondern auf rنdern.... man müsste mal sehen, ob man so einen roboter auch ohne pc laufen lassen kِnnte... wo bringt man aber nitinol her??
vielen dank
2002-03-05 -+- Harry Potter -+- -+- Buy the book "Stiquito for Beginners : An Introduction to Robotics",what u got is "Nitinol". I think I will like embedded controller design such as
embedded linux on PDA to control the robot. But I don't think the wire has
this capacity to withstand the weight of PDA...
2002-03-21 -+- deniz tugal -+- d_tugal@hotmail.com -+-
i am from turkey
bu program hakkında bilgi almak istiyorum...
2002-04-07 -+- Ned Konz -+- ned@bike-nomad.com -+- Excellent article! So many hardware hacking and robotics articles assume the use of Windoze. Good drawings too!
2002-04-08 -+- Sinan -+- loketeam@yahoo.com -+- yahu mesaj yazdık kim sildi
2002-05-14 -+- Alper Derici -+- nicolasimben@yahoo.com -+- it's a really creative idea. i'd prefer one that isn't bounded by cables. -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
2002-07-26 -+- trabi -+- goncy_17@hotmail.com -+- No nitinol on this f*** continent! Im trying to get some but i can get it nowhere! Just The US. To hell with them... -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt)
2002-08-11 -+- guido -+- guiddo@linuxfocus.org -+- I get many questions via e-mail asking where to order now
Nitinol. It seems that http://www.dynalloy.com is down.
Other possibilities are:
Buy the Stiquito book: Conrad, J.M., and J.W. Mills: Stiquito
Order at: http://www.robotstore.com/
I have not found any place in Europe where individuals
can order nitinol. The US is probably the only place in the world.
If you know about other sources for nitinol then please
post it here.
-+- = Opera/6.02 (Linux 2.4.17 i586; U) [en]
2002-08-20 -+- Yusuf Davutoğlu -+- yusufdv@yahoo.com -+- Your design fantastic but need development. -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)
2003-02-13 -+- vinod.c.n -+- vinu@gogley.com -+- EXCELLENT I AM A BE STUDENT
YOUR INDIAN FRIEND -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
2003-04-23 -+- vanee -+- saivanee@hotmail.com -+- hello
I am vanee from Englang(South Bank university)
it's really wonderfull that i can find all the news that i need from ur page.the concept designs are very clearly explain.well done ,good luck -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; BTOW V9.0)
2003-04-29 -+- Lukas -+- Lukas.Mauch@arcor.de -+- Where can I buy Nitinol??
:( I can't find it into the internet.
can sb. give me an adress?? -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 2000) Opera 6.02 [en]
2003-06-16 -+- ilya -+- ilya-0007@mail.ru -+- دًèâهٍ!ك èç ذîٌٌèè,يî ٌهé÷àٌ َ÷ٌَü â ءَنàïهٍّه يà êàôهنًه ًîلîٍîٍهُيèêè.
خ÷هيü èيٍهًهٌيàے âهùü îلےçàٍهëüيî ïîïًîلَ ه¸ ًهàëèçîâàٍü,هٌëè êٍî ٍî ُî÷هٍ ٌنهëàٍü ٍî âىهٌٍه,ïèّèٍه! -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
2003-10-02 -+- Hans Raber -+- linuxfocus@superduper.org -+- hi!
nice project!
for all the people asking around:
you can get nitinol at
- http://www.memory-metalle.de
- http://www.nitinol-europe.com/
-+- = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5a) Gecko/20030728 Mozilla Firebird/0.6.1
2003-12-23 -+- Ingo Cyliax -+- cyliax@ezcomm.com -+- Hey,
very cool... I used to be a research engineer with Dr. Mills at his lab and have build many robot drivers/controllers for stiquitoes and other hexapods. This is the first Linux based nitinol hexapod I have seen. Good Job !
See ya, -ingo
-+- = Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2.1) Gecko/20030225
2004-01-06 -+- Hubert Dirks -+- Hubert.Dirks@t-online.de -+- Hi,
Thanks for the great project!
For all the european people: I ordered my nitinol at
Pro-Rail International
Jaques Le Plat
4a, rue du Pont-de-Bois
B-1490 Court-St-Etienne
Tel/Fax (+32) 10-611565
(The www-server seems to be very slow)
Hubert -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.1; Linux)
2004-02-25 -+- Paul Keijzer -+- Source muscle wire -+- Where to get nitinol ?
See reference to page 18
18 Muscle Wires Project Book 3-133 19,95 23,74
18 MW Project Book & Deluxe Kit 3-168 59,95 71,34
18 Muscle Wires Super R&D Kit 3-102 op aanvraag
18 MW Super Sample Kit 3-136 34,95 41,59
Why not use flexinol instead of nitrinol ? It is supposed to perform better?
See also: http://www.dynalloy.com/ (50$ taxes&admin fee added)
Paul -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
2004-03-03 -+- Andi -+- andreas-immler@web.de -+- Wie habt ihr den lack vom Kupferdraht gemacht, das er leitet?
Gruك Andi -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
2004-03-18 -+- Thomas -+- -+- I found a source for Nitinol in Germany
8 Euro per meter, very fast service.
versuche es mal mit abbrennen (kurz im Feuerzeug) und dann mit einem
Tuch putzen.
Best regards
Thomas -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; iOpus-I-M)
#2004-05-27 -+- ismaeel abuawad -+- ismaeelabuawad@yahoo.com -+- ارجاء ارسال جميع التطورات الموجودة في هذا الموضوع على النوان الذي كتب أعلاه وسوف أعيده في الاسفل لكنني سوف أكون ممنونا لمتابعة التطورات الحاصلة تجاه هذا الموضوع ممتع بالنسبة لي متابعة موضوع كهذا ومهم بالنسبة لي ايضا مشروع ثم ان من المهم جدا متابعة هذا الموضوع
ismaeelabuawad@yahoo.com -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90)
HOW TO BUILDING ROBOT? -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
2006-07-15 -+- Himanshu -+- verma_himanshu30@yahoo.com -+- Thanks for the great information.The diagram and all the stuff about making a walking robot was awesome. Please tell me or send me more updates and details about robot. Please send me more diagrams and details about how to make a walking robot on my e-mail ID. -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
2006-07-19 -+- Antonio A. Garcia -+- tony.garcia@asu.edu -+- Very nicely done!
I am a professor of Bioengineering at ASU. I would like to have your permission to have my freshmen class in the fall 2006 use your design as a starting point to build walking and moving robots in our Introduction to Bioengineering class. My thinking is to challenge them to build robots that can move in different terrains at the fastest speed. They would choose how many legs, how far apart, and whether to use even more exotic locomotion such as what a snake uses. I really like the use of nitinol since we also discuss biomaterials and it is used in stents.
Also, I need some assistance with getting the right materials and having them able to use their laptops in LINUX. Is there some way that you can help me put together basic kits or a complete list of materials? I need to put together 20 "kits" so that they can start with nearly all of the materials they need. -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/418 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/417.9.3
2006-08-24 -+- Michael Althoff -+- micha@xshakma.homelinux.net -+- This is great! It is all in one, a fantastic way to learn to control devices with a Computer, and to understand the way, how muscles make man move.
Und nun in deutsch:
Ich finde eure Idee fantastisch, statt Motoren eine muskelنhnliche Struktur zu konstruieren.
Micha -+- = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/
#2006-10-21 -+- labinot -+- labi_2@hotmail.com -+- tung
si jeni a jeni mir si po jaloni -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
2006-10-31 -+- abel -+- arahi2@gmail.com -+- porfa necesito ayuda con la elaboracion de el circuito de un carrito a control remoto que se conecte al puerto paralelo
cualquier ayuda o comentario enviarmelo al correo:
gracias a todos -+- = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)