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[intr %x, stat %x, step %d, prevphase %x] selid=0x%2x %s: identify failed esp: not nexus at sc->sc_nexus%s: step 1 & !NEG %s: !MSGOUT (%s:%d:%d): selection failed; %d left in FIFO [intr %x, stat %x, step %d] (%s:%d:%d): select; %d left in DMA buffer [intr %x, stat %x, step %d] %s: unexpected status after select: [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] %s: stray interrupt %s: ICCS: : [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] %s: STATUS_PHASE: msg %d %s: invalid state: %desp no nexusMESSAGE_OUT_PHASE MESSAGE_IN_PHASE %s: MSGIN: unexpected FC bit: [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] %s: MSGIN: weird bits: [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] COMMAND_PHASE 0x%02x (%d) DATA_OUT_PHASE [%ld] DATA_IN_PHASE STATUS_PHASE %s: unexpected bus phase; resetting esp: should not get here..㿈!>"p  >m@p%#X  )>c! \ @ 7. 4 i %& 4 \@€  p!".&_!@p .&_ \   &\ >m   >m#@n  h0@Y  j @' \@€  p!" !@oؒ  .&_ \  ؐ &\  2 ` ", @.&]  .&]&_&\>m&T#&X@o  \@€  p!" !@o  .&_ \   # İ &] \ .&]` @ "B j \ @?2  \>m#@o}    \ @ 2  j2) j&\ "% j&X`2&P&T >n  i  k&p #\ 2 j>n P i  k ,?#\@oI j =>n @oB &X p >h @o8 p!!@o2  .&_ \  &] @&`.&]` >h @o p!!@o  .&_ \  &] @&`.&]`.&` i` p >n j @n k \@€  p!" !@n  .&_ \   p!!@n D D.&_ \  D&\?`Q>p"Г*`@Ҹh "`,&] ">n@ >n@n  *`" * %l&] `.&]  , &] 2>n!@n  >n@n!8>u @,2/ǰ  "`, $ " & &  $& &\?`>q *`@||Xhhh@>n!P@no  &T >n>n@nf!&\.&b.&a.&` i.&]v &\  p >n@nR!>u @+ x $ x" & |& x x$&  &T`g.&\ \@€    $ \& " \ i>n j! k &X@n$#\@€ .&^p >n" @n `I >&] .&]p!!@n  .&_ \  &\" " &\& 2&\&] .&]&\ `>n"0@m T  2>n2>n@lҐ"H k `*`" * %l>q"ԓ*@(0p!!@mÒ  .&_ \    >n&T >n&,  , &] .&]p >h @m @p!!@m  .&_ \  &] @&`.&]`@l.&`>" " \& @€  ] \@€  ` `  i>n j"#\ k @mo#`p!!@mi  .&_ \  p >h @mZ p!!@mT  .&_ \  &] @&`.&]` v.&`p!!@m?  .&_ \  >" " &  >n ` ` i j"#\ k @m$#`  $ ` -@4 !&&X(&&L,&&P q.&\#( j @m kgp&] f  i.&]>n# j @l k \@€    \@€  ??"  \ \ €?? \@€ ,0 \@€ p @>n# 0@lϔ >n ! &P $," ( .&\#@l p!" !@l  .&_ \  `>n#&\@k &\ 2>o2&T>o@k p  " @f @ 쀊 @>o ! 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