================= buildstream 1.4.0 ================= o Elements may now specify 'build-depends' and 'runtime-depends' fields to avoid having to specify the dependency type for every entry in 'depends'. o Elements may now specify cross-junction dependencies as simple strings using the format '{junction-name}:{element-name}'. o New `fatal-warnings` has been added to the project.conf format, allowing projects to specify which warnings they want to consider as fatal. Support for the following warnings is included: o overlaps: When staged artifact files overlap (deprecates: 'fail-on-overlap') o ref-not-in-track: When the source implementation finds that the ref is out of bounds for the tracking config o git:inconsistent-submodule: A .gitmodules file is present but the submodule was never added to the repo. o git:unlisted-submodule: A submodule exists but is not specified in the YAML declaration. o git:invalid-submodule: A submodule is specified in the YAML declaration but does not exist at the given ref in the git repository. o BuildStream now depends on python3 ujson (for some internal serializations) o Workspaces can now be opened as relative paths. Existing open workspaces will not be converted to relative paths, (they need to be closed and opened again to get the new behavior). o Dependencies can now be specified as strict to force rebuild in non-strict mode. This is useful for statically linked dependencies (#254). o Git source plugins can optionally track human readable refs using the output of `git describe`.