Evolution 3.28.4 2018-07-16 --------------------------- Bug Fixes: Bug 796174 - strcat() considered unsafe for buffer overflow (Milan Crha) Bug 757504 - [Composer] Do not wrap URLs in Plain Text mode (Milan Crha) Bug 548681 - [MessageList] Restore of cursor mispositioned after delete (Milan Crha) Bug 750636 - [Composer] Wrapped line should not start with a space (Milan Crha) I#31 - help: German translation: Fix typo in closing tag (Antoine Jacoutot) I#32 - Add column to sort at the end when Ctrl+Click its header (Milan Crha) eds-I#13 - [IMAPx] Fails to append message to Yahoo! with no CRLF at the end (Milan Crha) I#43 - Tasks not shown when Side Panel is hidden (Milan Crha) I#55 - "Custom sort" dialog freezes Evolution and hogs the CPU under Wayland (Milan Crha) I#69 - [MessageList] Regeneration loses selection start (Milan Crha) Miscellaneous: Update links to GNOME git repositories in flatpak files (Milan Crha) [EContactEditor] Do not store empty values in vCard (Milan Crha) Correct memory leak of object returned by atk_object_ref_relation_set() (Milan Crha) Try also with the From address when looking up correct From account for composer (Milan Crha) Properly wrap text in 'Security Information' dialog (Milan Crha) Add 4px bottom margin to secure button table (Milan Crha) [Composer] Message generated twice when using 'Send through Outbox' (Milan Crha) Update couple HTML editor tests (Milan Crha) Help: Update meeting invitation process due to UI changes (Дилян Палаузов) Translations: Pieter Schalk Schoeman (af) Daniel Șerbănescu (ro)