2.66.7 (stable): Gio: * content_type_guess(): Remove most of an unnecessary overload (Kjell Ahlstedt) Issue #118 (LinuxUser GD) Documentation: * Gio::File: Fix various spelling errors (Daniel Boles) * Remove AUTHORS and README.SUN; add info to README.md (Kjell Ahlstedt) Issue gtkmm#140 gmmproc: * enum.pl, enumextract.py: Accept XXX = YYY + 1 * h2def.py: Make return types that are unsigned work. Required by gtkmm4, GdkDmabufTextureBuilder (Kjell Ahlstedt) Tests: * Giomm tests: Test for /etc/passwd instead of /etc/fstab (Jeremy Bicha) Merge request !60 Build: * Meson build: Don't fail if warning_level=everything (Daniel Boles, Kjell Ahlstedt) Merge request gtkmm!87 * MSVC, NMake: Make dep paths configurable (Chun-wei Fan)