============== Version 3.13.4 ============== - Use correct window icon - Translation updates Background: - Several small fixes - Fix emblems on HiDPI - Re-add drag'n'drop support - Allow dropping colours as well - Remember added colours - Copy all the manually added backgrounds Info: - Fix logo on HiDPI Keyboard: - Allow "print screen" and "scroll lock" as compose key options Mouse: - Fix scroll test background on HiDPI Notifications: - Fix duplicates in application list Power: - Update automatic suspend label when CanHibernate is false Region: - Make it possible to add an input source by activating its row Sharing: - Add maximum height for the networks list box - Use the selected URI from the file chooser, instead of the current directory User Accounts: - Do not generate previews for directories Wacom: - Fix x/y ranges' swapping when calibrating on rotated screens - Fix stylus back/forward button assignments