2015-08-21 Marcin Kolny .doap: add doap file 2015-08-21 Marcin Kolny Release 0.1.0 2015-08-21 Marcin Kolny build: distcheck minors 2015-08-21 Marcin Kolny build: initialize submodules in autogen 2015-08-21 Marcin Kolny build: install debugserver plugin into gstreamer plugin dir 2015-08-19 Marcin Kolny autogen.sh: improve autogen script 2015-08-19 Marcin Kolny common: update api-version in all modules using common library 2015-08-18 Marcin Kolny build: add api version number to library 2015-08-18 Marcin Kolny build: minors 2015-08-18 Marcin Kolny common: add pkg-config file 2015-08-18 Marcin Kolny build: add config.h file, get version from config in ui 2015-08-18 Marcin Kolny Revert "utils: renamed common to utils" This reverts commit 5674bee487ca11869801cda2eb68fc25e0e1f8b3. 2015-08-18 Marcin Kolny utils: renamed common to utils 2015-08-18 Marcin Kolny build: minors 2015-08-18 Marcin Kolny common: rename protocol to common 2015-08-17 Marcin Kolny build: remove unused dependency 2015-08-17 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: graphviz-plugin as a part of gst-debugger bin 2015-08-17 Marcin Kolny protocol: moved utils to protocol 2015-08-17 Marcin Kolny build: port to autotools 2015-08-17 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: use gresources 2015-08-17 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: implement "quit" button 2015-08-17 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: ported to gtk+3.16 2015-08-17 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: print version in "about dialog" 2015-08-17 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: improve displaying caps 2015-08-16 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: change application domain 2015-08-16 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: handle and display allowed/current caps of pad 2015-08-16 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send allowed and current caps of pad 2015-08-16 Marcin Kolny protocol: support for dynamic pad info (allowed caps, current caps) 2015-08-16 Marcin Kolny debugserver: fix (almost?) all memleaks 2015-08-16 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add buffer dialog window, which displays all buffer's data 2015-08-16 Marcin Kolny debugserver: fix removing buffer watch 2015-08-16 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: debug categories as a model 2015-08-16 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send log categories on connect 2015-08-16 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: clear models on disconnect 2015-08-16 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: fix warning 2015-08-16 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add about-dialog, logo 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: respond on changing topology 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny debugserver: fix sending info about adding/removing element from bin 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: fix configuring model 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: fix removing hooks 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: display source pad of qeb 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send pad path 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny protocol: send pad path with qeb 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: lock "add watch" button if request cannot be sent 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: better displaying flags 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send G_TYPE_FLAGS for flags and G_TYPE_ENUM for enums 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny protocol: send info about enum type(enum/flag) 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: user-friendly hook names 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: reorder some widgets in "queries" and "events" tabs 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: fix displaying buffer/bus message lists on startup 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny debugserver: refactor v2 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny debugserver: fix setting event/query watch 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny debugserver: refactor 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny debugserver: buildfix 2015-08-15 Marcin Kolny protocol: don't send protocols and interfaces - it's probably useless for user 2015-08-14 Marcin Kolny debugserver: fix cleanup method on client disconnect 2015-08-14 Marcin Kolny gst-debugserver: add simple login module for controller 2015-08-14 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send error if requested factory cannot be found 2015-08-14 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: remove some "todo"s Actually, reloading list is not very resource-consumming 2015-08-14 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add remotedatacontainer class 2015-08-14 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: move padtemplate converter to "utils" module 2015-08-14 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: pass mainloop object to graphviz plugin 2015-08-14 Marcin Kolny graphviz-plugin: use gmainloop object 2015-08-14 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: user internal graphviz plugin 2015-08-14 Marcin Kolny graphviz-plugin: add graphviz plugin to a project it was earlier part of graphviz project 2015-08-13 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: fix dialog title 2015-08-13 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: display meta informations in factory info dialog 2015-08-13 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send factory meta (need refactor) 2015-08-13 Marcin Kolny protocol: add factory meta to factoryinfo message 2015-08-13 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: move connectiondialog to dialogs glade file 2015-08-13 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add factories dialog 2015-08-13 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: create new glade file with dialogs 2015-08-13 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add some ui utils functions 2015-08-13 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add factory model, handle factory info responses 2015-08-13 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send factory info on request 2015-08-13 Marcin Kolny protocol: support for factories 2015-08-12 Marcin Kolny gst-debugserver: display pad template 2015-08-12 Marcin Kolny protocol: send template instead template name 2015-08-12 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send template with pad 2015-08-12 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: fix segfault 2015-08-12 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: set peer to sink pads 2015-08-12 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: sho some pad properties on select 2015-08-12 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: reorganized location of some components 2015-08-11 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: implement "remove hook" button 2015-08-11 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: minors in gui 2015-08-11 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: fill message type combobox on connect 2015-08-10 Marcin Kolny debugserver: fix passing requested event type to searching method 2015-08-10 Marcin Kolny debugserver: message type is a flag, not an enum 2015-08-07 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send messagetype enum on connection 2015-08-06 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: fix displaying gst structure 2015-08-06 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: do not use enums from gstreamer library 2015-08-06 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send querytype and eventtype on connection 2015-08-06 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: implement changing properties for most of types 2015-08-06 Marcin Kolny debugserver: allow to change properties 2015-08-06 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: remove widget from box before adding new one 2015-08-06 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: lazy widget initialization for all types 2015-08-05 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: lazy creating widget for strings 2015-08-04 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: update only gvalue C underlying object, not a whole object 2015-08-04 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: use properties in property module from element 2015-08-04 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: gvaluebase take ownership of GValue* 2015-08-04 Marcin Kolny debugserver: minor - fix warning 2015-08-03 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: display property description as a tooltip 2015-08-03 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send description of property 2015-08-03 Marcin Kolny protocol: add description to a property message 2015-08-03 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: display enums description in enums dialog 2015-08-03 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send description with enum entry 2015-08-03 Marcin Kolny protocol: add info about enums description 2015-08-03 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: fix connecting after disconnect 2015-08-03 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: allow receive huge packets 2015-08-03 Marcin Kolny debugserver: allow to send huge properties 2015-08-03 Marcin Kolny protocol: fix deserializing caps 2015-08-03 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add caps gvalue converter 2015-08-03 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: update property list on selected object changed 2015-08-03 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: implement missing get_parent_element_from_path method 2015-08-02 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: fix updating property widgets 2015-08-02 Marcin Kolny protocol: fix serialize enum gvalues 2015-08-02 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: improved displaying flags 2015-08-01 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: support for flags in gui 2015-08-01 Marcin Kolny protocol: serialize/deserialize flags 2015-08-01 Marcin Kolny utils: add virtual flags type 2015-08-01 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send flags to client 2015-07-31 Marcin Kolny build: require specified libraries version on configuration 2015-07-30 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: remove redundant entry with selected element path 2015-07-30 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: update info about selected object on signal from controller 2015-07-29 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: use selected element from controller for sending "watch" requests 2015-07-28 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: implement "close" button in enums dialog, minor refactor 2015-07-27 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: combobox for enums 2015-07-27 Marcin Kolny protocol: deserialize enums properly 2015-07-27 Marcin Kolny utils: add virtual enum type 2015-07-27 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add enums_dialog dialog window 2015-07-27 Marcin Kolny debugserver: fix sending enum types 2015-07-26 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: improved files structure 2015-07-26 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: refactor - rename some methods 2015-07-26 Marcin Kolny debugserver: minor 2015-07-26 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: fix locks on disconnecting 2015-07-26 Marcin Kolny console-client: minor changes according to modified interfaces in protocol 2015-07-26 Marcin Kolny protocol: add cancellable argument for reading methods 2015-07-26 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: remove framereceiver class 2015-07-26 Marcin Kolny utils: don't free constptr 2015-07-25 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: create dispatcher's queues in base view class 2015-07-25 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add signals to controller 2015-07-24 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: set position in graph drawing area/property list paned 2015-07-23 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: move loading and processing debug categories request to controller 2015-07-23 Marcin Kolny debugserver: minor 2015-07-23 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: move model operations(up/down) to controller 2015-07-23 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add path_processor 2015-07-23 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add topology controller 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: modules tcpclient-independent 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add base controller 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: create command factory 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: mainwindow as a member of controller 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: move tcp_client to controller 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add controller 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: refactoring 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add enums gui 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add class for storing server's enums 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny debugserver: copy typename to property message 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny protocol: send typename with property message 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send serialized enum type on request 2015-07-22 Marcin Kolny protocol: add possibility to send enums 2015-07-21 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add widgets to properties 2015-07-21 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: removed redundant button 2015-07-20 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add properties to elementmodel 2015-07-20 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: revert color of non-selected item 2015-07-20 Marcin Kolny gst-debugserver: jump to model on douobleclick 2015-07-20 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send topology on client connected 2015-07-20 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: gui improvements 2015-07-20 Marcin Kolny debugserver: enable -Wpedantic, fix warnings 2015-07-20 Marcin Kolny debugserver: sending topology fixes 2015-07-20 Marcin Kolny debugserver: minors 2015-07-20 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send errors to a client 2015-07-20 Marcin Kolny protocol: add servererror message to protocol 2015-07-20 Marcin Kolny debugserver: fixed some prepare-buffer methods 2015-07-20 Marcin Kolny utils: move buffer-prepare-safe macros to utils 2015-07-19 Marcin Kolny debugserver: fix some "prepare-buffer" methods 2015-07-18 Marcin Kolny debugserver: fix segfault on exit 2015-07-18 Marcin Kolny debugserver: remove client from message-clientlist on disconnect 2015-07-18 Marcin Kolny debugserver: fix some warnings 2015-07-18 Marcin Kolny debugserver: don't use doubly-linked lists (use singly-linked list instead) 2015-07-18 Marcin Kolny debugserver: remove all hooks on stop server 2015-07-18 Marcin Kolny protocol: serialize message source 2015-07-18 Marcin Kolny utils: remove unused method 2015-07-18 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: graph module refactor 2015-07-17 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send topology improvements (use new protocol version) 2015-07-17 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: use new data structure for drawing graph 2015-07-17 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add custom data structures which represent pipeline structure 2015-07-17 Marcin Kolny protocol: furter topology improvements 2015-07-16 Marcin Kolny protocol: minor changes 2015-07-15 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add property module 2015-07-15 Marcin Kolny debugserver: handle and response on property request 2015-07-15 Marcin Kolny protocol: support for gstobject type in gvalue (de)serializer 2015-07-14 Marcin Kolny utils: minor 2015-07-14 Marcin Kolny protocol: add methods for serialize/deserialize gvalues 2015-07-14 Marcin Kolny protocol: add property messages 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny debugserver: add topology changes hooks 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny utils: add one more method to utils 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny debugserver: minor 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny debugserver: fix client disconnecting, add method for sending packets to all clients 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: improve displaying connections 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send link info 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send internal pads 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send pad info 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: pads drawing support 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny protocol: pad topology improvements 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send pipeline topology - draft 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny gst-debugserver: update model topology on message from server 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny protocol: add topology messages 2015-07-11 Marcin Kolny utils: gst-utils minor improvements 2015-07-10 Marcin Kolny utils: add one more useful method to gst-utils 2015-07-10 Marcin Kolny utils: add few useful methods 2015-07-09 Marcin Kolny utils: move gst-utils from debugserver to separated library 2015-07-09 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: move model to graph module 2015-07-09 Marcin Kolny add .gitignore 2015-07-09 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: implement model navigation 2015-07-09 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add pipeline-drawer module 2015-07-08 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add "bin to dot" converter mostly based on gstreamer's converter 2015-07-06 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: minor improvements 2015-07-06 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: minors 2015-07-06 Marcin Kolny debugserver: support for buffer requests 2015-07-06 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add buffer module 2015-07-06 Marcin Kolny protocol: serialize/deserialize buffers 2015-07-05 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: refactor (GstQEModule as a base class for message module) 2015-07-05 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add buffer module ui 2015-07-04 Marcin Kolny move extern "C" directive to headers 2015-07-03 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add bus message module (needs improvements) 2015-07-03 Marcin Kolny debugserver: remove trash 2015-07-03 Marcin Kolny debugserver: improve bus messages support 2015-07-03 Marcin Kolny protocol: add message serialization/deserialization methods 2015-07-03 Marcin Kolny protocol: add message confirmation 2015-07-03 Marcin Kolny gst-debugserver: g_flags support in gvalue_enum wrapper 2015-07-02 Marcin Kolny debugserver: rename file 2015-07-02 Marcin Kolny protocol: remove warnings 2015-07-02 Marcin Kolny gst-debugserver: minors 2015-07-02 Marcin Kolny debugserver: add support for queries, refactor 2015-07-02 Marcin Kolny protocol: remove unnecessary (and even invalid) asserts, minor in proto file 2015-07-02 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add query module 2015-07-02 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: refactor 2015-07-01 Marcin Kolny build fix 2015-06-30 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: improve gst-event module display all event hooks, add possibility to watch specyfic pad/event type 2015-06-30 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send confirmation on event hook has been added 2015-06-30 Marcin Kolny protocol: add event hook confirmation 2015-06-29 Marcin Kolny debugserver: allow to watch client only selected pads and event types 2015-06-29 Marcin Kolny debugserver: add utils module 2015-06-28 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: full support for events 2015-06-28 Marcin Kolny protocol: add event type to PadWatch structure 2015-06-28 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add event module 2015-06-28 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add gvalue-converter it is a set of classes which help work on gvalues 2015-06-28 Marcin Kolny debugserver: lock sending packet size and packet data 2015-06-27 Marcin Kolny debugserver: add event handler 2015-06-27 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: minor 2015-06-27 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: initialize gstreamer on startup 2015-06-27 Marcin Kolny protocol: minor in deserializer 2015-06-27 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: lock "info" variable 2015-06-26 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add event module - draft 2015-06-26 Marcin Kolny protocol: add event to GstreamerInfo structure, minors 2015-06-25 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: save log to file 2015-06-25 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: refactor 2015-06-25 Marcin Kolny debugserver: remove watches for disconnected clients 2015-06-25 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: display messages in a treeview 2015-06-23 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: minor 2015-06-22 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: display available categories in a client application 2015-06-22 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send all debug categories to client on request 2015-06-22 Marcin Kolny protocol: add debug categories info to protocol 2015-06-22 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: message log support 2015-06-22 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add method for sending commands 2015-06-22 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send more information about log messages 2015-06-22 Marcin Kolny protocol: improved logmessage structure, minor fix 2015-06-21 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: use tcpclient in application 2015-06-21 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add tcpclient class 2015-06-21 Marcin Kolny gst-debugger: add sub-project to main project 2015-06-20 Marcin Kolny tests: use gtest as test framework 2015-06-20 Marcin Kolny protocol: event serialization/deserialization 2015-06-20 Marcin Kolny protocol: query deserializer, replace guint8* with gchar* 2015-06-20 Marcin Kolny protocol: add query serialization method 2015-06-14 Marcin Kolny console-client: log support 2015-06-14 Marcin Kolny debugserver: partial support for logs 2015-06-14 Marcin Kolny debugserver: send message through protobuf protocol 2015-06-11 Marcin Kolny debugserver: partial message watch implementation 2015-06-10 Marcin Kolny debugserver: allow control remote pipeline log threshold using client 2015-06-10 Marcin Kolny debugserver: refactor Create new class responsible for tcp connection, data acquisition 2015-06-10 Marcin Kolny console-client: minor improvements in test client 2015-06-10 Marcin Kolny debugserver: handle protobuf packets (only a few packet types for now) 2015-06-10 Marcin Kolny protocol: compile protocol libraries with protocol-utils 2015-06-10 Marcin Kolny protocol: add method for serialization/deserialization integer value endianness independent 2015-06-10 Marcin Kolny protocol: replace oneof with few "optional"s oneof seems to not working with proto-cpp<->protoc-c 2015-06-10 Marcin Kolny protocol: generate proto sources on build 2015-06-09 Marcin Kolny debugserver: add debugserver tracer plugin 2015-06-09 Marcin Kolny console-client: simple server (for testing purpose) 2015-06-09 Marcin Kolny protocol: minor improvements 2015-06-08 Marcin Kolny protocol: use google protobuf in project 2015-06-08 Marcin Kolny init project