2.5.5: Gtk: * Remove default signal handlers for new signals in 2.6, because adding virtual methods to existing classes would break ABI. (Murray Cumming, Bryan Forbes) * Stock: Wrapped several new stock items. (Bryan Forbes) * AboutDialog: Added logo_icon_name property. (Murray Cumming) * Clipboard: Added set_can_store() overload that takes no arguments. (Murray Cumming) * ComboBox: Added unset_row_separator_func(). (Murray Cumming) * FileChooserDialog: - Inherit from FileChooser interface. (Murray Cumming) - Added constructors which allow specifying backend. (Bryan Forbes) * IconView: Added the properties. (Murray Cumming) * Main: Added Main constructor that takes a Glib::OptionContext(), and Main::add_gtk_option_group(option_context). (Murray Cumming, Bryan Forbes) * TreeIter: Add forward_search() and backward_search() overloads without the limit argument. (Rob Page, Murray Cumming) Pango: * Color: Added operator bool(). * Renderer: Added get_color(). ((Murray Cumming) Documentation: * Added some reference documenation for the new classes, plus several older classes. * Corrected documentation tarball and the link to it. * examples: - Added book/dialogs/aboutdialog example. - Added book/buttons/filechooserbutton example. - Used ProgressCellRenderer in book/treeview/list example. (Murray Cumming)