Major changes in 1.13.8 ======================= * Added support for symbolic icons * Removed favicon support * Various build fixes and cleanup * daemon: Return correct error for invalid backends * daemon: Fix races when mounting the same mount in parallel * daemon: Don't warn when running against an older gvfs-daemon * gdbus: Don't g_warn about getting the dbus name * gmountspec: Make sure to free the GVariantIter * afc: Improve idevice error handling * afc: Unpair an idevice if it was already paired and refuses to connect * afc: Use the correct choice index for "Cancel" * afp: fix g_vfs_afp_connection_get_max_request() not returning any value * afp: Use human friendly error messages * network: Don't set a file size for the network:// shortcuts * network: Append the service name when needed to help differentiate * recent: Honor the private hint * Don't use the display name to make the unique mount point * Don't include jargon in mount display names and messages * Added more hints for translators * Translation updates