Version 2.43.2 - All the filter effects have been ported to Rust as part of Ivan Molodetskikh's Summer of Code project!!!!! - We now require Rust 1.26. - We now include Rust debug information even in release builds, to make it easier to obtain stack traces. - Fix #310 - Respect DPI in the font-size property (Mike Marcacci). - Fix: draw the circle/ellipse elements with the same orientation as the SVG 1.1 test suite; this is relevant for stroke-dasharray (Ivan Molodetskikh). - Refactoring of the drawing code and font sizes (Paolo Borelli). - New filters in Rust: feConvolveMatrix, feColorMatrix, feMorphology, feDisplacementMap, feGaussianBlur, feDistantLight, feSpotLight, fePointLight, feTile. - Updated Rust dependencies (Igor Gnatenko).