2006-11-27 Peter Parente * Tagged LSR_0_3_2 * Added 0.3.2 release info * Removed get/setLocal from AEInput.Base; will use style language field in the future * Moved add/remove/clearFilters from AEInput.Base to AEInput.SystemInput 2006-11-17 Peter Parente * Optimized (slighty) Task.Tools fetching of ideal output device * Reverted GTerminalPerk to its original state * Removed createDistinctStyles call as a strong dependency for a device to load and operate; will fall back on using the default style if the method is not implemented * Fixed bug in Default Perk where row/col indices are None when on the table widget itself * Updated IOMonitor and TestLogMonitor to match new output command name and value format * Removed msg and out methods * Added talk params to all Task.Tools.Output say* methods and send * Added send method to Task.Tools.Output * Refactored AEOutput interfaces so base class only has a generic send method, subclasses have send implementation that dispatches to convenience methods (e.g. sendString) * Fixed bug in test log monitor for None layers * Fixed ugly LookupErrors in AEEvents when applications dying 2006-11-16 Peter Parente * Fixed todo in SettingsChooser to fire change notification for string boxes only when they lose focus, not on every character * po/en_GB: Restored from attic after receiving translator approval of license change * Changed all files to BSD license per IBM legal and contributor approvals (Hooray! Thus ends a year long pysh to be more compatible with the GNOME ecosystem. Many, many thanks to George Kraft.) 2006-11-15 Peter Parente * Fixed bug #375558, devices not unregistering properly 2006-11-14 Peter Parente * Fixed bug in GestureList __eq__ when comparing with a non GestureList object * Fixed bug in TableAdapter for item offset of None in getRow/Col * Fixed bug #368451, text attribute report on cycle * Fixed bug #368448, support for cyclic tasks on input * Fixed bug #374882, cache adapters for POR for performance * Fixed bug where DeviceManager never removed itself as a listener from input devices 2006-11-13 Peter Parente * Fixed bug #368442, table indices * Fixed bug in new default output code where weakref attempted on None device when no output devices are present * Added get/setPerkIdealOutput to Task.Tools and all supporting infrastructure so that a Perk can specify its ideal output device for itself and its registered Tasks * en_GB.po, zh_CN.po: Moved files to the attic. We contacted the authors of these files on 11/3/06 and 11/6/06 asking their permission to change the license on the LSR package from CPL to BSD. We heard no response. In the meantime, we are removing these files from CVS. If they do respond one day with approval, we will restore the files from the attic. 2006-11-10 Peter Parente * Redesigned output device handling to allow Perks to specify a default set of capabilities desired for all classes in a module * Fixed last example in man page (thanks Scott) * Fixed getAccVisualPoint in TextAdapter (thanks Eitan again!) * Fixed getAccVisualPoint in DefaultInfo (thanks Eitan!) 2006-11-09 Peter Parente * Fixed bug where Tier did not call Perk close properly * Fixed UI spec order of state, level, index, total announcements * Added table row and column announcements when changing either * Fixed bug where addIndexListener failed without a catch for device types not supporting indexing * Added missing references to text selection section in UI spec * Fixed UI spec section about text selection event notification * Fixed SEM_TEXTATTRS as SEM_TEXT_ATTR * Fixed 373007, new Braille interface in AEOutput to distinguish Braille devices * Moved Mute style to StyleDefault base class so it can remain in early checks in the DeviceManager * Moved index code to AEOutput.Audio from base class 2006-11-08 Peter Parente * Started toying with GTerminalPerk; definitely not finished * Fixed bug #368458, support word and character echo * Corrected bug introduced in Task.Tools.Output generation yesterday 2006-11-07 Peter Parente * Fixed bug #368447, match color report to UI spec * Changed getColorName to return None when no name could be found * Changed sayTextAttrs to report raw attribute names and values and removed text constants from Task/Tools/Output (for now) * Added temporary hack to avoid getAttributeRun crash bug #372172 * Fixed DefaultInfo adapter to handle new AT-SPI 1.7.0 text attribute access methods * Changed text attribute methods on IAccessibleInfo interface to return dictionaries instead of strings with platform dependent separators * Added code to get a reference to a chooser when loading it from a Perk * Fixed Perk names in settings dialog * Localized setting name/desc. for GaimPerk * Added activate method to settings chooser to re-raise window after already shown 2006-11-06 Peter Parente * Added low-level getStyle method to Task/Tools/Output.py so the style object can be sent with a SettingChange event * Continued work on notifying the setting chooser about setting changes * Added event source data to SettingChange events and SettingTask * Added additional protection in GSpeech against CORBA failures at startup 2006-11-03 Peter Parente * Added signalSetting to let Perks send notification of setting changes * Added code to DefaultDialogPerk to signal setting changes on dialog cancelation * Added initial support for setting change notifications in Perks; lacking notification on setting rollback and notification among Perks 2006-11-02 Peter Parente * Removed old and incorrect links from source * Fixed bug #369444, missing table selection announcement * Fixed bug #360773, add MouseTask for mouse move and button events