Overview of Changes in 0.90.1 (since 0.90.0) ============================================ Changes in this release: - High roundness values are now correctly limited. - Use focus_color in draw_entry if the theme uses it. - Removed shadows from GtkCombo and GtkComboBoxEntry. - Code polishing and bugfixing. Overview of Changes in 0.90.0 (since 0.53.1) ============================================ Too many changes to be listed, let's take a summary. This new version is extremely customizable with a huge number of new options. Those new options allow the user to achieve an incredible variety of styles. In order to add those features the engine was rewritten in many parts, sometimes even 2 or 3 times! :-) This results in a simpler code, more readable and more maintainable, with a lot of custom code moved from each widget drawing function (before) to a general murrine drawing support file (now). For example adding a new glaze style will now cost about 20 lines and it will be applied immediately to every single widget. Murrine can finally use the alpha channel to draw a real transparent theme, all it needs is an application using the RGBA colormap and a theme with the rgba option enabled. During the whole development, murrine was kept in sync with every bugfix that hit gtk-engines, so this new version can also be considered much more stable than the previous one.